Yorkshire is a land of rich culture, warm hospitality, and a language all its own. The sayings and phrases passed down through generations have a unique charm but can often leave outsiders scratching their heads. Here are 52 Yorkshire sentences that might just baffle the rest of the world:
1. "Be reight." – Everything will turn out fine, just have faith.
2. "'Ey up!" – Hello, how are you?
3. "Yer brew's mashin'." – Your cup of Yorkshire Tea is almost ready.
4. "It's chuffin' roastin' out." – It's incredibly hot outside.
5. "Bagsy 'avin a croggy!" – I want a ride on the back of your bicycle.
6. "'Ow much?" – Is this really so expensive?
7. "'Eez int'bog." – He is currently using the restroom.
8. "That's proper champion, that, lad." – I am really proud of you.
9. "Gi'us a butty." – Could I have a cheese-and-pickle sandwich, please?
10. "Gi'us a chuddy." – May I have some chewing gum, please?
11. "Gi'or, yer too cack-'anded." – Let me handle this; you're not doing it right.
12. "I'm chuffed t'bits wi' that." – I am extremely happy about this.
13. "That ruddy whippet 'as took me cap down snicket!" – A dog has run away with my cap!
14. "Ahm fair t'middlin'." – I'm doing okay, thanks.
15. "Ahm nobbut middlin'." – I'm not doing great, actually.
16. "'E's in fine fettle." – He's doing very well.
17. "Tha' knows." – You know what I mean, right?
18. "Tha'll get a clip rahnd lug'oil if tha' carries on like this." – You'll get a slap if you keep acting like that.
19. "Mind you visit yer nan this weekend, she's getting reight mardy." – Please visit your grandma this weekend; she's getting grumpy.
20. "'Appen 'e'll quit his mitherin' if you buy 'im a Landlord." – Perhaps he'll stop complaining if you get him a pint of Landlord (beer).
21. "Nah, 'e's allus mitherin' about summat." – No, he's always complaining about something.
22. "Eeh, yer daft ha'peth." – My goodness, you're quite foolish.
23. "Stop nebbin' in me diary, buggerlugs." – Stop snooping in my diary, you fool.
24. "Na'than thee, 'ow's tha' lass?" – Hello, my friend, how's your wife?
25. "Put wood in t'ole! Was tha' born in a barn?" – Close the door! Were you born in a barn?
26. "Eeh, yer reight nesh." – You're quite sensitive to the cold.
27. "'Ow do, my love?" – Hello, my dear.
28. "Tarra, ducky." – Goodbye, dear.
29. "There's nowt s'queer as folk." – People are very strange.
30. "'Owt's better than nowt." – Something is better than nothing.
31. "'E's neither use nor ornament." – He's utterly useless.
32. "Where there's muck, there's brass." – There's money in dirty work.
33. "Did I 'eckers like!" – No way did I do that!
34. "Near as makes n' matter." – Close enough.
35. "Eeh I'll go t'foot of stairs!" – I'm surprised!
36. "Eez nobbutta babbi." – He's just a small child.
37. "Think on, soft lad." – Think about it, young man.
38. "That's a threp in't steans." – That's a kick in the stones (testicles).
39. "Sit thissen dahn, tha's bin laikin all day." – Sit down, you've been playing all day.
40. "Ah reckon nowt ter that." – I don't think much of that.
41. "'E's on pot duty." – He's doing the dishes tonight.
42. "And ahm 'appy as a pig in muck." – I am very happy.
43. "Eeh, it's black o'er Will's mother's." – It looks like it's going to rain.
44. "Wang it o'er." – Toss it over to me.
45. "It's like Blackpool bloody illuminations in 'ere." – Why are all these lights on?
46. "'E's soft int'ed." – He's not very bright.
47. "If tha's 'ad beef dripping for dinner tha's not 'avin' a chippy tea." – If you had a big meal earlier, you won't get a takeaway.
48. "Tha' meks a better door than window." – Move, I can't see the TV.
49. "'E's a reight bobby dazzler." – He looks very smart.
50. "'Supwier?" – What's wrong with her?
51. "Tin tin tin." – The firework you planned to set off is missing.
52. "Eeh by gum!" – Oh my goodness!
A ‘ craggy’ is the cross bar of a bicycle for makes, so gizzing a ‘croggy’ is not a request to ride on the back of a bike, but a request to perch on the crossbar ie above the pedals between handlebars and seat